Thursday, January 22, 2015

That military wife

We all know her, she's the one who's been there before you, done it better, lived through worse, has it harder, and makes you feel an uncontrollable rage and pity at the same time because really who does she think she fooling? We all know she's full of shit and you just want to pat her on the hand and tell her it's okay. We get it you need to be the center, you need pity, and everyone to try to support you.

Here's the thing we don't hate you, we just want to slap the shit out of you. We are tired of you sucking the life out of us. We are exhausted trying to maintain ourselves and you because we don't want to be the one who dropped the ball. No one wants that guilt.

Well let's have a meeting here Army wives I pledge not to be her if you pledge to tell me if I slip! Seriously just say shut up Jillian you are being that wife! Get over it. I will do the same for you. Now here's the tricky part, if you are going to get upset 'unfriend' me, give me the silent treatment than just unfriend/follow me now, delete me from your phone. 

We are all going through our own things and constantly having to deal with your endless drama is just to much! 

What happened to my sweet loving boy?!

Deployment! Damn thing stole the boys joy and mojo. We are getting it back :)

My son has been having a really hard time dealing with daddy being gone recently. It's killing me! I hate that I can't help him or make it better. 

I was pursuing pinterest when I ran across a pin about deployment books for military kids. Why not right?! I wasn't expect the complete change in my son. He's so much calmer and happier. I had my husband record a video reading the story with him, we watch every night and like in the book send a star to daddy. Best purchase I have ever made, like ever!
A few nights I took pictures to send daddy of him sending the star to him. We don't send the right star, we send any light in the sky we can find, I don't care if it's a plane. Brenda Ehrmantraut you are my hero!