Thursday, January 22, 2015

What happened to my sweet loving boy?!

Deployment! Damn thing stole the boys joy and mojo. We are getting it back :)

My son has been having a really hard time dealing with daddy being gone recently. It's killing me! I hate that I can't help him or make it better. 

I was pursuing pinterest when I ran across a pin about deployment books for military kids. Why not right?! I wasn't expect the complete change in my son. He's so much calmer and happier. I had my husband record a video reading the story with him, we watch every night and like in the book send a star to daddy. Best purchase I have ever made, like ever!
A few nights I took pictures to send daddy of him sending the star to him. We don't send the right star, we send any light in the sky we can find, I don't care if it's a plane. Brenda Ehrmantraut you are my hero! 

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