Sunday, July 19, 2015

Please I beg you stop posting no one cares!

Stop sharing things like this.

Stop saying and perpetrating the idea that no one cares. Clearly you care you are sharing it right? Whoever you saw that posted it cared. Their families, brothers and sisters in arms care. Please do not cheapen their sacrifice by saying no one cares. The people that really matter care. No some of the higher ups did not act the way we would have all liked that is something they have to live with, but you do not need to add to it. 

I do not want to see a town burned, business destroyed adding to this already tragic situation, no one should want to see people act like that for any reason. It doesn't further any cause. Most of those people rioting didn't care about the person who had died they wanted to loot and destroy. 

These 5 men who died in Chattanooga last week will not be forgotten, they will be honored, missed and loved forever by the people that really matter the people they were willing to die to protect. The saying 'he fights not because he hates what's in front of him but because he loves what's behind him' means something, take it to heart they do. 

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