Friday, December 11, 2015

Let the holiday inspired shaming begin!

So its been a bit and I have a bunch of black logged posts to do and I will get to them but I have been busy, you know living life. Today though I am annoyed and needing a place to vent. See once again its the holiday season so a ton of blog posts are being shared about how terrible mothers who make crafty stuff are and how they only do it to one up others. My thing here is the epic butt hurt some women have. You don't want to do it or don't have time, cool don't. While you are at it stop blaming your guilt on not doing it on others cause thats the snakes in your own head not theirs. Those posts of cute things they made aren't meant to make you feel bad they are proud of what they did, should they have to hide who they are because your fragile ego can't take it? My oldest is the most unathletic kid on the planet. I will never post pictures of her dancing in a recital, or playing a sport but I can the crafty things we do together so let me have that and shut the fuck up already.

On to point of contention two, please stop saying that people posting holiday decorations, or celebration photos are doing it to make you feel bad you couldn't afford to do as much. I didn't grow up with a lot, don't get me wrong we had enough and I never needed for anything, but oh the wants! I tell my kids no so much through the year that at birthdays and christmas I do spoil them a bit. We don't take a lot of family vacations, big or small ones. I save and shop through out the year to make the holidays I choose to celebrate bigger. That has nothing to do with you, thats my choice, I don't bitch when you post how you are going to Disney for the 3rd time this year when I have been once in 35 years and it was only to Epcot when I was a senior in high school. To each their own people.

If you truly believe that the mothers posting crafty stuff they made, or the people posting about holiday celebrations are doing it to upset you, to attack your abilities, well then maybe you should seek some professional help because you have some serious issues that go way deeper than a lack of time.

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