Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Botanical Gardens; Lili'okalani and Fosters

I am a photographer, its my day job, so while moving to a new area especial Hawaii can be great for business it can also be a bit rough. I need to find all new places to take pictures, I need to find out about permits needed, need to get reestablished in a new place with already established photographers looking at me as an interloper.

Today we hit a couple of local gardens to scout locations and take some photos of the kids. Part of me thinks I am going to love it here, once the rest of my gear shows up!

This is from Lili'uokalani Botanical Garden, which my travel book told me was a total skip garden, I could not disagree more!

I want to come back here and take some in the stream and the bottom of the fall! So beautiful! Several great spots for shots at this garden.

Even if you are just out for a walk and not worried about pictures, lots of beauty to see here, though I admit calling it  'garden' might be a bit of a stretch, more of a trail/hike.

These are from Fosters Botanical Garden. Also very pretty and way more garden like.

This Garden has fliers on the birds you will see and the different types of trees and plants. The little ones loved looking for the birds and learning about the native trees and plant life. Some are pretty amazing! 

This was one of my favorite trees, I can just picture a maternity shoot here with these beautiful flowers in the background. 

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