Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Day 2 of our Hawaiian adventure!

We woke up at 2 am, all of us today, because thats a totally reasonable time back in Tennessee, not so much here. Phone calls aplenty this morning. The good news in that is that it sounds like we have a few people interested in our house there! Bad news they called me at 3am to tell me :) So today we are a little out of it. We have running around to do for things we need that we couldn't bring with us, housing appointment, and we wanted to do something fun with the kids, something hawaiian because so far they have seen parking lots mostly.

Housing appointment went as expected, which isn't a great thing, but we knew it was going to be a challenge to get on post housing here. So let the off post house hunting begin!

We ended up doing a little sight seeing around North Shore, the kids loved the waves, and running into and away from them.

That is until the wave knocked them off their feet. Was a great day though and a good into to parts of Hawaii.

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