Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Its the worst time of the year....

But it is fall you say, time when EVERYTHING turns into some form of pumpkin or its spice flavoring. Yes that is true, it is that time of the year as well which is also not my favorite either. Unless its in pie form and drowned in cool whip not redo whip I am not interested! 

Alas that is not the time of year I am talking about though, no this is much worse than sweaters with vests tall boots and pumpkin spice. This is the dreaded waiting season. The season of pure torture and hell on earth because we truly have to acknowledge that we hold no control over our own lives. We have to wait until big Army in the sky decides where to send us next, the email has been sent that joke of a what are your top 3 and bottom 3 locations, cause we all know it doesn't matter, if it did I wouldn't be sitting at Campbell alone again for the second year. Nope this is a tease, a we want to know what you want but we are going to do 'whats best for the mission'. I totally get the mission comes first, "If the military wanted you to have a family they would have issued you one" Yep got it! 

I understand that we are not an important factor, Army family strong slogan not with standing. I truly do get it, they know where they need people and thats where you will go. I smile and move forward because I knew when I started dating my husband this is what I was in for. I know to some this sounds angry and bitter but ya know what I am really not. I'm not mad, and defiantly not bitter, the Army is showing us the world, helping us test our selves as a couple and family and see how strong we really are. No I am not hateful towards the Army, I love the Army and my Soldier I just hate the wait. I love that the military is supportive of homeschooling, I love that I can find a few like minded people to connect with a commiserate with. I am proud of my husband for all he has worked to accomplish, the pride and honor he takes in his service. I have the utmost respect for all those that have honorable served before and will in the future. 
But hurry up and wait aint no joke. 

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