Sunday, September 27, 2015

That wife ~ A follow up

So I have been spending the last week or so dealing with somethings. Life has been a little stressful birthdays, work, and I lost a 'friend' she didn't leave this earth for the there after but we will no longer be talking.

She was the inspiration for the that wife post (which can be read here That Military Wife) and even though I said in that post that how incredible frustrating they can be, its hard to decide that you have to let them go. That try as you might you can't keep holding them up because you are allowing your self to suffer by doing it.

I didn't just drop the ball, I drop kicked the bitch. I think all people have breaking points and I reached mine. The passive aggressive social media posts, the outright lies on it, the hypocrisy I just couldn't take it any more. She caught me on a bad day with her pointless drama, and it was just enough. When I told my husband about it, he laughed and said thank god! He was a bit tired of my frustration, the snide comments about us, but he knows me and he knows I have a hard time watching people flounder. I kept thinking it would get better, but you really have to get that you treating people like second class citizens, and looking down your nose at others is a problem. It may not seem like it but it really does take a lot for me to get to the point of saying fuck you to someone. In this case a little over 2 years.

In this follow up post, I just want to say, yes it sucks to drop the ball, or drop kick it :) Sometimes you have to cut the weight pulling you down. You can not be the golden nugget of support for people who only seem happy taking shots at you, and never return the support. It has to be a give and take or its not really a friendship.

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